Ingredients:- Black beans 1 cup (soak overnight)
1 medium onion
2 tomatoes
4 garlic cloves
Inch size ginger
1 large Jalapeno
1 tbsp cumin powder
Salt to taste
Carrot - shredded (about 2 large ones)
Store bought: Spinach tortilla, pesto sauce
Pressure cook the beans with salt
Saute other ingredients and mix it to the cooked / mashed beans
Spread pesto sauce on the spinach tortilla - thin coat works
Spread a tablespoon full of bean mixture - coating depends on your taste
I added a tablespoon of shredded carrot per roll
Roll up the tortilla and cut to desired sized rounds
It serves as lunch / dinner / snack - as you please..
The moistened cooked beans with all the spices / flavors, fresh crunchy & sweet carrots with pesto and tortilla was a beautiful carnival of sweet, sour, salt and protein.
Black beans were first domesticated thousands of years ago
in Peru, and quickly became a staple of the South American diet. They first
came to Europe in the 1500s.
Health benefits:-
Digestive Tract
Protein and fiber in this bean aids in quick movement in intestines; this
supports the digestive track in working less harder and keeps it healthy.
Blood Sugar Regulation
The steady movement of protein and fiber through the digestive system allows
for a measured breakdown of food into its component parts. This even breakdown
of food helps to curtail sugar levels (high or low)
Cardiovascular Health &
anit-cancer prevention
Regulates cholesterol level…..
High in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory values. Black beans are also high in folate and
magnesium, both nutrients highly associated with preservation of cardiovascular
health, and the antioxidant minerals zinc and manganese.
Nervous System Health
Folate, or vitamin B6, is particularly abundant in black beans. The nervous
system relies on folate to produce the amino acids it needs to function. For
pregnant women a deficiency in folate can cause the improper development of the
fetus’s brain and spinal cord. The high iron content of black beans is also
particularly beneficial to pregnant women.