Native to India, pepper has played a very important role throughout history and has been a prized spice since ancient times. A tropical plant coming mainly from India and Indonesia.
It spices /heats up food. Ah hah and could disguise a food's lack of freshness.
Black pepper comes from the berries of the pepper plant.
Interestingly, Black pepper, green pepper and white peppercorns are actually the same fruit (the difference in their color is a reflection of varying stages of development and processing methods).
Black peppercorns are made by picking the pepper berries when they are half ripe. They are dried which gives the black color.
Green peppercorns are picked while still unripe and green in color,
White peppercorns are picked when very ripe and subsequently soaked in brine to remove their dark outer shell leaving just the white pepper seed.
Black pepper is an excellent source of manganese, iron and vitamin K,
Also a good source of dietary fiber and copper.
(Diving in for health benefits….. much needed information are not always the most interesting…. J )
Good for stomach: Pepper increases digestion. In turn helps avoid diarrhea, constipation and colic, flatulence.
Promotes sweating and urination – neutralizing body temperature and toxins.
Helps to lose weight: The outer layer of peppercorn assists in the breakdown of fat cells & aids with weight loss.
Good for skin: Pepper helps to cure Vitiligo, a skin disease that causes some areas of skin to lose its normal pigment and turn white. It also reduces the chances of skin cancer due to excess ultraviolet radiation.
Relief for cough and cold: G ves relief from sinusitis and nasal congestion.
It’s antibacterial property helps to fight against infections, insect bites etc.
Clears up the arteries, thus aiding with blood flow.
Good antioxidant: Prevents or repairs the damage caused by the free radicals and thus helps to prevent cancer, cardiovascular diseases and liver problems.
Enhances bioavailability: It helps in transporting the benefits of other herbs to blood stream.
Helps avoid ear-ache and gangrene.
Good for conditions of hernia, hoarseness, joint pain, tooth decay, eye problems and insect bites.
Pepper tid bits –
Once used as currency and presented to the gods as a sacred offering, it is fortunate that this most popular of spices is available throughout the year.
In the Middle Ages the wealth of a man was measured by his stockpile of pepper.
During the fall of ancient Rome, the invading barbarians were even honored by gifting black pepper. Pepper became an important spice that catalyzed much of the spice trade.
A major reason for exploration of many undiscovered lands, & also developed merchant trading in Europe and the Middle East.