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Fun loving - with life and fusion cooking. Believe in Love, Friendship, Help and Trust. Spiritual and believe in 'Love is God'. Thankful for the blessings life has showered on ME.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


It is the dried "stigma" or threads of the flower.

Origin - This exotic spice is a native of Southern Europe. Now cultivated in countries - particularly in Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Turkey, and Iran and in Jammu & Kashmir state of India

Harvested only during early morning hours
Saffron is one of nature’s highly powerful herbs. It relieves Stomach aches and Kidney Stone & improve Blood circulation (relieve aches & pains for Arthritis).
Improves circulation in digestive system and coats stomach & colon, which helps with gastro intestinal acidity and colic conditions.
Carotenoids in Saffron play a vital role in inhibiting Skin tumors, Improve Vision.

Promoting Learning by improving memory retention and recall capacity .

Prevents neuro degenerative disorders.

Helps sore gums and tongue and inflammation in mouth.

Saffron relieves Fatigue and Muscle Inflammation.
Hence great for athletes after their practice.

Note - High doses of saffron can cat as uterine stimulant and in severe cases can cause miscarriage.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Ginger - Wonder root

Ginger is the wonder medicine (magic root !! – Reason?? – Gingerol in the root inhibits Nitric oxide production, which in turn release a free radical Peroxynitrite). 

Grown year round in many parts of the world.  He has different colors – yellow, white or red.

Kills Ovarian cancer cells.
Slows and prevents Colorectal Cancer.
Good fighter for Morning sickness, Motion sickness symptoms & reduces discomfort.
Heard of a Natural Painkiller? GINGER is the answer.  He reduces inflammation & pain in the body.
Stresss’ by product is Heartburn, burn can be prevented.
Reach out to a warm cup of tea with this root and it reduces Cold, Cough & Flu symptoms.
Prevents the constriction of blood vessels, inflammation and relives Migraine.
Helps a great deal with Menstrual cramps.
Kidney damage and Diabetics can be prevented.
Relieves Rheumatoid & Osteoarthritis pain (these are the 2 biggest issues for aging adults today).
Promotes healthy sweating & enhances release of toxins in the body.
Invades Micro-Organizms, E.coli, Staphylococcus & Fungi .

Tidbit – Primarily grown in China, India & Middle Eastern countries.  2000 yrs ago, Romans imported this root from China. Other parts of the world discovered it’s popularity after import started.

Uses - Food flavoring, medicines.

Tip - Ginger cooks fast, for best aroma and medical benefits, grate at the end.

Monday, December 12, 2011

GARLIC - an ancient member of different cultures

Has been grown for over 5000 years.  Ancient Egyptians cultivated garlic & it's been part of their culture.  Evidence was discovered from the ancient Egyptian tombs, from 3,200 B.C inscribed on the Great Pyramid of Cheops.

For best health benefits chopped or crushed form should be used.  Letting crushed or chopped garlic sit exposed in air lets it’s enzymes to work in favor of health.  Adding garlic towards end of cooking retains maximum flavor and nutrition.

Reduces blood cholesterol by improving HDL (good) and LDL (bad) ratio.   In return reducing the risks of Heart Disease & Stroke.   Maganese helps with the improvement of HDL levels.
Helps blood flow by dilating blood vessels & diluting the clots thus avoiding Thrombus (a blood clot in artery / vein is harmful, this might lead to Stroke).
Contains Sulfur compounds, vitamin C, B6, selenium, magnesium, potassium, calcium and manganese and flavonoids (fight many kinds of bacteria and viruses in test tubes).
Antifungal, Anti-oxidant, Antibacterial (Helps cure fungal infection – both internal & external, used as ear drop to cure Ear infection, used on Lesions, cut & bruises to prevent gangrene formation).
Anti-inflammatory - stops activity of inflammatory enzymes. Reduces Arthritis painand Asthma attacks.
Improves the immune system. Prevents Colon, Breast, Throat Colorectal, Pancreatic & Stomach Cancer Aged garlic lowers Heart and Intestinal damage common to Chemotherapy patients.
Anti-parasitic against Roundworm and other intestinal parasites.
Improve iron metabolism.  Generates a protein that runs across the cell membrane, and it forms a passageway that allows stored iron to leave the cells and become available where it is needed.
Good source of selenium & Vit E.  Acts as Antioxidant.
Regulates number of fat cells formed & stored in our body by  disintegrating the fat deposits.

Note - In France, where the Great Plague broke killing 100,000, grave diggers used crushed garlic & wine concoction to protect themselves from the plague.
Soldiers who were severely wounded during the World War I and World War II put garlic on their wounds to prevent gangrene or infection.

Used as Food flavoring, pills form, crushed to paste as ointment, in liquid form to heal internal infections.

Many cultures believe that Garlic is sacred and keeps bad spirits at bay !! ex- Garlic was considered sacred and so pyramid builders used garlic and believed it gave them strength to finish the task.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Cinnamon - Either as bark or powder form.

Main components are Manganese, Dietary Fiber & Calcium.
Aids digestion, Treats diarrhea, common cold, tooth ache, headaches & migraines. Reduces Arthritis pain
Anti-clotting agent – Helps normalize the clotting system in body.
Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial – aiding with overall inflammation and bacterial growth.
Helps Blood Sugar by maintaining cells’ absorption of glucose and reacting well to insulin supply.
Improves Heart health and Colon health.
Lowers Cholesterol.

Smelling Cinnamon stimulates brain cells and boosts memory & activity.

Uses - flavoring, medicines, aroma enhancer (in candles, room sprays etc..)

Just sprinkle a pinch in your CHAI and N'joy the taste... Yummy !!


Called Cumin the queen, looks like Coriander is the KING of spices.

From the articles I read, this is only the tip of the ice-berg. Coriander has so many benefits.

Each component has it’s own prevention benefits.

REDUCES high Cholesterol levels, Diarrhoea, Mouth ulcers,... enhances good Mouth smell. INCREASES Digestion, Appetite & treats Anorexia.
Also, Anti-Rheumatic and Anti-Arthritic properties etc.
Rich in Vit C increases IMMUNITY.
SWELLINGS: Helps with swelling caused by malfunction of kidney, anemia or due to body's excess water.
ANEMIA: Good in IRON content.
SMALL POX: Anti microbial, Anti oxidant, Anti infectious and Detoxifying components and acids. Reduce pain and soothes effect on pox patients.
MENSURAL DISORDERS: Helps in proper secretion from the endocrine glands, thereby inducing proper menstrual cycles and reducing pains etc. during periods.
EYE CARE: Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C and Phosphorous. Prevents aging of eye, macular degeneration and soothes eyes against stress. Helps in protecting against Conjuctivitis.
SKIN DISORDER: Disinfectant, Detoxifying, Anti-septic, Anti-fungal and Anti-oxidant
BLOOD SUGAR: Stimulates effect endocrine glands, increases the secretion of insulin
Other benefits: Anti-carcinogenic (HELPS PREVENT CANCER), Anti-convulsant (PREVENTS EPILEPTIC SEIZURES, REDUCES CHRONIC PAIN), Anti-histaminic and Hypnotic.

Uses - Mainly in food and for aesthetics (food decoration).


CUMIN - Seed is the main part of consumption.

Note - I personally think CUMIN is a QUEEN !! She has a 5000 year old history.

Great source of CALCIUM - supplies atleast 90% of daily requirement if 100 gms is consumed. Aids Lactation & Bone strength
... CAFFEINE - Heals Respiratory Disorders, Asthma & Bronchitis
B-COMPLEX - Insomnia & Anemia
Has natural FIBER, ESSENTIAL OILS, MAGNESIUM & SODIUM - Aids Digestion, Piles, Stomach Ulcer. Tip- Releases essential oils when boiled in hot water.
PHOSPHOROUS - De-toxicant - helps with removal of toxins from body.
Vit A & Vit C - Common cold & immunity .

Anti fungal, Anti microbial and Anti septic properties – Skin disorder (make paste with seeds & water for external), Immunity (internal consumption) .


Uses - External sores and as flavor to food.


Cloves are the unopened pink flower buds of the evergreen clove tree.

Has an active component called eugenol -  extracts from clove is used in dentistry for Root canal therapy, fillings, and Gum pain.
It has another component along with Eugenol which serves as a mild Anesthetic
Anti-bacterial agent to treat Mouth sores, Sore throat.
High in anti-inflammatory contents.
Anti-oxidant - powerful protection against all types of Degenerative diseases such as Cancer, Heart disease, Diabetes, Arthritis, Macular Degeneration, Alzheimer's disease.  Boosts Immunity & Purifies blood.
An excellent source of vitamin K and C and omega-3 fatty acids, manganese, calcium and magnesium, protein, iron, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and hydrochloric acid.
Cloves and clove oil work are effective for some cuts, fungal infections, burns, wounds, athlete's foot and bruises.
Very good source of dietary fiber, cures many digestive problems. Helps to cure flatulence, loose stools, indigestion and nausea. Relieves the symptoms of diarrhea, gastric irritability and vomiting.

Used as Cloves & Clove oil - in food & as medicine (mouth & throat sprays).

It's a much greater substitute for Chewing gum to maintain good breath & longer.
(Added benefit - MINUS the sugar !!  Chew ON... :) )

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Seeds inside the pod are the main part of consumption.  Hails from Ginger family, hence has some heat to it..

Green cardamom is used to treat TEETH & GUMS infections,  helps with good breath.
Prevents and treat Sore throat, throat infection,
Helps clear Lung congestion of the lungs and Pulmonary Tuberculosis,
Prevents Eye lid Inflammation, Digestive disorder
Breaks up kidney stones and gall stones (DIURETIC),
Used as ANTIDOTE for both snake and scorpion venom.

Contains Anti-oxidants. Antiseptic, Riboflavin (Vit B 2) & Vit-C.
Excellent source of Potassium – balances with cell & body fluids.  Maintains healthy Heart rate and Blood pressure.; Maganese – helps with Nerve strength, Brain cell stimulation,  maintain Thyroid activation.; Iron -  RBC formation and Bone strength.

Note -  Ancient Greeks and Roman They thought it was an aphrodisiac and put the spice in their "love" potions.

Uses – Beverage & Food flavoring, Ointments to treat sores and to clear mucous blockage.


Fresh or dried bay leaves are used in cooking for their distinctive flavor and fragrance. Fresh leaves do not develop their full flavor until several weeks after picking and drying.

Good source of Vitamins A and C. Contains significant amounts of iron and manganese & smaller amounts of calcium, potassium and magnesium.

Treat Migraines, Rheumatism, Amenorrhea, and colic.

Help body process insulin to Lower Blood sugar levels.

Treats Stomach Ulcer, is Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antifungal & Antibacterial.

Bay Leaf oil treats Flu, cold, cough, sprain, swelling, dandruff.

Aids digestion.

Used in food flavor, hair treatment, external ointment.



Antioxidant, Anti-fungal & Anti-bacterial (external use & internal consumption). 
Medically used for Preventing cell death, Heart disease, Skin inflammation, Sancer, Alzheimers Pancreatitis, Indigestion, Osteoarthritis & Eye inflammation.

Used in food, cosmetics, dyes & gardening.