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Fun loving - with life and fusion cooking. Believe in Love, Friendship, Help and Trust. Spiritual and believe in 'Love is God'. Thankful for the blessings life has showered on ME.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Seeds inside the pod are the main part of consumption.  Hails from Ginger family, hence has some heat to it..

Green cardamom is used to treat TEETH & GUMS infections,  helps with good breath.
Prevents and treat Sore throat, throat infection,
Helps clear Lung congestion of the lungs and Pulmonary Tuberculosis,
Prevents Eye lid Inflammation, Digestive disorder
Breaks up kidney stones and gall stones (DIURETIC),
Used as ANTIDOTE for both snake and scorpion venom.

Contains Anti-oxidants. Antiseptic, Riboflavin (Vit B 2) & Vit-C.
Excellent source of Potassium – balances with cell & body fluids.  Maintains healthy Heart rate and Blood pressure.; Maganese – helps with Nerve strength, Brain cell stimulation,  maintain Thyroid activation.; Iron -  RBC formation and Bone strength.

Note -  Ancient Greeks and Roman They thought it was an aphrodisiac and put the spice in their "love" potions.

Uses – Beverage & Food flavoring, Ointments to treat sores and to clear mucous blockage.

1 comment:

  1. Need that in my tea everyday.. Go crazy without it..:)))
